
One Week­end


Shall I make a round­about way via Amrit­sar from Par­vat­ti val­ley to Del­hi or not? 14 hours extra bus dri­ving for a city I could only spend 2 days? I decid­ed quite spont­neous­ly pro Amrit­sar and it worked out as the best deci­sion! I saw one of the most beau­ti­ful tem­ples, made new friend­ships and watched the chefs doing their work in the biggest and best-orga­nized kitchen worl­swide! Fur­ther­more I got with­in the first 45 min being in Amrit­sar 2 mar­riage pro­pos­al by 2 Indi­an Moth­ers for her sons who have been of course much younger than me. If I´ll ever mer­ry then for sure in India 😉

I entered the Gold­en Tem­ple fort he first time in dawn and dis­cov­ered it by night. The aura oft he tem­ple seemed to sparkle through the gold­en colour and the reflec­tions in the water sur­round­ing it. Thou­sands of peo­ple stayed in the queue for com­ing togeth­er and show­ing their humil­i­ty and ded­i­ca­tion. These moments which hasn´t only shown to my eyes but also to my soul were magical.

After 1.5 hours sur­round­ing the tem­ple I could hear an indi­an tongue ask­ing in ger­man „Are you from Ger­many?“. I was sur­prised by this polite voice and I answered. We start­ed talk­ing. Viny is a local, begin­ning of his twen­ties, and want­ed to speak geman with me to improve is speak­ing skills in ger­man. He was very ambi­tious because the wants to study Ger­man from sum­mer on in Berlin. He has been learn­ing ger­man for only 2 month and is prepar­ing fort he Visa inter­view mid of decem­ber in Del­hi. More­over he´s a vol­un­teer in the tem­ple and wants to show me around in the kitchen. We spent the whole evening togeth­er und went for din­ner lat­er. It was soo deli­cious! The next day he intro­duced me to his sis­ter and we Three spend my last hour togeth­er in Amrit­sar before my night bus would leave to Delhi.

I was sur­prised by his sou­ver­eign­ty and his seri­ous­ness at the begin­ning of his twen­ties but more above all I was sur­prised by his ope­ness to intro­duce me to his lit­tle sis­ter who want­ed to improve her Eng­lish. These things appar­ent­ly only hap­pen one doesn´t expect! Being hap­py about the short but love­ly time in Amrit­sar I enterd the night bus. From the next day on my odyssee of recov­ery should start…

“Die Aura des Tem­pels schien durch die gold­ene Farbe und die Spiegelun­gen im Wass­er zu leucht­en. Tausende Men­schen standen an, um im Tem­pel ihre Demut und Hingabe zu bezeu­gen. Es waren magis­che Momente, die sich nicht nur meinen Augen son­dern auch mein­er Seele boten.”

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